European Headache Federation


According to its mission statement, one of the goals of the European Headache Federation (EHF) is to “educate Europe” about headache through the teaching of the key players, such as young doctors and all those involved in headache management about the seriousness of headache disorders.

The close geographical relationship in Europe is the prerequisite to foster the exchange of faculty and participants. This was the successful working mechanism for the past years.

In the last decade a "patronage activity" was also set up in the way that two countries (one developed, one developing) exchanged doctors and students for training. This activity was successfully endorsed by Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Italy, Norway, Albania, Slovenia, Russia and Lithuania. In some settings, clinical and research practices were organised for long term reaching a higher standard of training and creating "clusters" of people with particular interest in headache in Europe.

EHF now offers:

EHF shall also participate in endorsing headache related activities. For more information on endorsed activities please click here

Webmaster | EHF Administrative Office