Shopping in Valencia

Whatever your likes and dislikes, in Valencia you are bound to find what you are looking for.

Opening times
Most shops open from 10.00 to 14.00 hours and from 16.30 to 20.30 hours. The shopping centres open from 10.00 to 21.30 hours

The winter sales generally begin in the second week of January and last until the end of February

How to pay
Most people pay in cash or with a credit card, when you must show your passport or identity card.

Tax Free
Residents from outside the European Union may have their Value Added Tax (VAT) returned for purchases of more than €90.15.

Craft work and antiques in the Ciutat Vella

Near to the Cathedral and the Town Hall you can buy all kinds of silver objects, lace work, silk embroidery, panniers and wicker work, together with the many different varieties of the Manises ceramics, from blue on white to metallic highlights.
The streets of Avellanas, Baja or Purísima, also in the Ciutat Vella, have shops buying, selling and restoring antiques and old furniture can be seen in the shop windows. There are many art shops and galleries in the streets of Pizarro, Nave and Cirilo Amorós.

Fashion around Colón
To find both luxury and reasonably priced jewelry and fashion you must go to the calle Colón and the surrounding streets, such as Sorní, Cirilo Amorós and Jorge Juan. This area also has many shopping centers.

Mornings at the street markets

There are street markets every weekday morning in different parts of Valencia. You can find all sorts of different things on the market stalls, from clothes to flowers and antiques. One of the most popular street markets is held every Sunday in the incomparable Lonja de la Seda, and this market concentrates on stamps and coins. Near to the Mestalla football stadium, the Rastro is also held on Sundays, selling second-hand items and antiques.


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